Saturday, November 25, 2006

Umaid Bhawan

When we arrived in Jaipur, we went straight to our hotel to check in. We had reserved (but not paid for) a twin room at the Umaid Bhawan, a Heritage Hotel in the newer bit of the city.
(slightly in restauro - having some new balconies added)

Having been driven through some tiny tiny tiny back streets, where we started to get a bit concerned that perhaps the photos on the web were a complete lie and actually we were staying in someone's spare room, we realised that the driver was just taking us on a scenic route through Historic Jaipur. Very very bumpy! When we got out into the main streets again, we had another thought that perhaps he was just trying to avoid the millions of bicycles & rickshaws that crowd the streets. Delhi has many cars and buses, and a few bicycles and autorickshaws too of course, but cycle rickshaws are banned from the centre. Jaipur seems to be the other way round. They are everywhere.

The hotel, when we eventually forged our way through the bicycles, turned out to be, as promised, in a quiet neighbourhood (no horns... bliss) and we had no problem checking in. Our room was basic-ish, but perfectly adequate. We had twin (very hard) beds with a board base and then a stuffed mattress, an en-suite shower room - although it looked antiquated with a boiler up on the wall, it was very powerful and did showers for both of us in the morning without complaining. There was a bit of a smell in the bathroom, but nothing you couldn't work around. No complimentary shower gel or cotton buds though.
We had our own balcony (well, common balcony outside the room which had a table and chairs on it):We went up to the rooftop terrace restaurant for lunch:
Then went out for an afternoon's sightseeing.

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