Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Pillow Cinema

Work, work, work. Actually we’re on an overtime freeze so we can’t work very long hours. We left work promptly at 6.30pm and headed straight for the nearest cinema, Spice PVR, which has a gloriously luxurious Gold Class screen. For Rs350 (about GPB4) we got tickets for Casino Royale (we missed the first bit – but the later show [after some supper] wouldn’t have been in Gold Class so we didn’t mind). They don’t start off with ads and trailers like at home, it appears. Or if they do, they must be before the published start time.

Anyway, the seats in this cinema were like pillows. Soft and cuddly and they recline to 180degrees, if you’re so minded. They also provide blankets and pillows too (alas we didn’t know about this until the end when the lights went up – it was actually a bit chilly in there and I was glad of my pashmina). We’d been told by longer-term colleagues that the price included food & drink at your seat, so we accepted the offer of popcorn and pop – only realized later that a bill was involved!

Half way through, the film stopped, the lights came up and a message was shown on the screen “take a break” – a chance for the waiters to come round with the menus and for people to nip to the loo. Very useful.

At the end, we had a short wander around the shopping centre, although it was starting to close down so many shops were closing. I found a branch of Haldiram’s, which is useful as I plan to buy some Indian sweets before returning (perhaps some for the RTO Christmas Party buffet?) and the only other shop of this I know is a bit out of the way. This place is about a 5 minute detour from our route home, so I can get them on my final evening.

We got home about 10pm and I had a pleasant couple of hours multi-tasking with phone calls and google-chats. As I can wander around with my Bluetooth headset on when making skype calls I don’t need to sit at the computer. So when I got back to it when about to end the call, I saw all the messages that Max had been sending me on google-chat while I’d been busy. One particularly amused me, telling how his water dispenser at work which dispenses ice both crushed and cubed, has been customised by some worker who has added a label “hopes” below the “crushed” button. I laughed. What could they put below the “cubed” button?

Final note of the night is about the hotel Lifts. Lifts? What is there possibly to say about lifts? They drive us mad. I’m convinced they’ve been made by Sirius Cybernetics. They arrive to pick us up at floor 8, and then ignore our request to go to the Lobby by ALWAYS doing a detour up to floor 10 – the penthouse floor. And they’ve decided that carrying any more than 6 people is more than their job’s worth (despite having the volume to accommodate twice that number). And recently one of the lifts has decided to rename floor 8 as floor 9 – so you are never quite sure that you are where you’re meant to be. Any day now they’ll take to sulking in basements. At least they don’t talk.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Why do we no longer have comfort breaks during cinema screenings in the UK? Last one I can think of was when I went to see the film about Kennedy.

I had to miss a chunk of Hoodwinked when I took a crowd of small boys to the cinema at half term. Whether it was because we had got to a scary bit, or whether it was the size of the "kid's" size soft drinks, I'm not sure.