Saturday, November 25, 2006

Old Jaipur

First stop, Jantar Mantar. Another one (same chap who created the one in Delhi - the prototype). The Jaipur set is bigger. The little things below are individual zodiac references.
Hanna and I were amused that all the sundials in Jantar Mantar were about 13 minutes slow. Of course this is because all of India is on a single time zone, and at the moment, the sun and IST are about 13 minutes different. Cue jokes about Indian Stretchable Time. Of course it's the same in Britain too we just never think about it.
The main gnomon - this one tells time to the second - and isn't half buried like the one in Delhi.
Standing at the top of the side arm (above). We were mobbed by a group of Indian teenage boys who all wanted to be photographed with us - well, probably with Hanna really, but they wouldn't dare to be selective.
In the background is the City Palace, our next destination.

Gate with elephants and guards with red turbans.
Elephant, guards with red turbans and me. Inside the main courtyard:
Very very very big silver urn (world-record big) - used to carry water from the Ganges to the UK. A beautiful peacock arch over a door:
And some very ornate carriages:Back to the car, drive a short distance to take photos of Hawa Mahal (palace of the winds). It was the wrong time of day really (sun was behind it as it was late afternoon):
It's hard to get a good photo with all the people and traffic. So we dried our tears and headed off into the sunset to go shopping.
The driver was really not keen on us doing anything as wild and reckless as shopping in a bazaar, and although we were "harassed" by all sorts of shop owners, we didn't feel unsafe at all. We did keep our hands on our purses of course. Shoes many shoes. There were sparkly ones too but these looked pretty lined up like this.
Bought some shoes here. There's also a monkey on the roof.

And I snapped this picture of a street vendor (selling some sort of pastries or bread). It's hard to take photos of "normal street life" without being intrusive but I have a go every now and again.

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