Thursday, June 15, 2006

Foopball night

Thursday – worked. I joined my colleagues in the hotel bar (with big screen TVs for their foopball enjoyment) for a couple of drinks. Adam, Rambill, Nicola and Craig sat up front in their foopball jerseys (mostly) looking terribly keen and intense, and Sam, Tom and I sat on the sofa at the back and managed to prove our general ignorance of foopball in general and the current competition in particular. I almost impressed the other two – they thought I was pointing out the England captain, but turns out that they couldn’t hear me properly and what I actually said was “he’s congratulating them” not “he’s the England captain”. Sam tried to describe the offside rule but I’m still in the dark and probably always will be. All I know about is being a lacrosse goalie, which means I get my own magic circle and no-one is allowed even one millimetre inside it. Mine. Out! People seemed fairly pleased on the outcome of the foopball match: even Adam who missed the first goal by seconds having just left the bar to take a short break in the Rest Room (they don’t let you rest in there… perhaps it should be named the Relief Room or something). I bowed out and went to my room just after the end of the match to make a phone call to wish Someone happy birthday.


Anonymous said...

Didn't you even sing "Scotland, Scotland, Jason Scotland"? And are you quite quite sure all your readers know Molesworth?

Livia said...

Doesn't matter if they do or they don't. I've said before that this is my diary and might be unintelligible to others at times. Do I care?!

Janet said...

I assume that the offside rule in Football works on the same principle as Hockey. But what that is now, I don't know because the rules keep changing!
Not only that, but the rules for one age group are not necessarily the same for a different age group.
On the whole, I just think of Football as Hockey without sticks.