Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Week 2 at work

I’m a bit behind in blog updating, so I’ll do a quick canter through the news / activities of the week. I’ve been a bit under the weather (many little things all hitting me at once) so I’ve been coming back to the hotel, checking email in the lobby (where it’s free, but you only get about 10 mins before it forcibly disconnects you for 5 minutes to prevent you monopolising the PC), watching a DVD in my room then falling asleep after a cup-a-soup (very glad I brought them with me). I’ve managed to make phone calls home on Tuesday and Thursday, which recharged my batteries. It seems like a long time since I’ve been at home, but on the other hand it hardly feels as if I’ve been here any time at all. I’m full of respect for my colleagues who have made the commitment to come out here for three months at a time: I don’t think I could do it as there’s too much I’d miss at home.

Monday – worked. Watched Monsoon Wedding this evening (it’s brilliant! – incredible to see the backgrounds as they look just like what we see every day. And I can even understand a tiny bit of the Hindi (it’s in Hindi with subtitles and English all mixed together). The wedding planner kept saying Kaam karo to his team: “do some work”!)

Tuesday – worked. Watched some of Gandhi this evening.

Wednesday – worked (earlier shift than before – even less time to sit in the sun: my tan is totally non-existent!). Finished watching Gandhi. I remember watching it in the New Picture House at a very young age (I must have been 9 or 10 – probably counts as child abuse) and being traumatised by the massacres and nasty things happening to good people and their children. It’s still moving and emotional but I understand the politics better now. It’s sad that, in a film about Indian independence from Britain and racial divides, they couldn’t find an Indian actor to play Gandhi! Ben Kingsley is very, very good, but he’s still a white man doing an Indian’s job.

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