Saturday, June 03, 2006

First Encounter with Mumbai

Saturday morning. Slept a bit, but not terribly well. There’s a large fountain in the atrium that is pumping gallons of water all the time, so that echoes a bit. Also it takes a bit to get used to the air conditioning. And I’m paranoid about mosquitoes so spend a lot of time thinking that I’m itching, or thinking that I hear that whine… all though at least mosquitoes have the courtesy to let you know they’re coming, unlike the Highland Midge.

I made it downstairs in time for breakfast, which was huge and varied. I decided to go Indian and have curry for breakfast (quite filling, but probably a bit too much – will no doubt revert back to boring Western food tomorrow). At least it’s included in the cost of the room – nothing much else is and it’s quite expensive in this hotel.

Then I went investigating. Found the Spa & the shops and the conference centre (100s of delegates milling around – all the women wearing nearly identical smart black suits: pencil skirts, tidy jacket)

I had contact from a manager that is already here, to say that she had arranged for a car to take us sight-seeing at 2pm, which was very kind and useful. I had lunch in 24/7 with Phil, then we went on a little walk from the hotel to find an ATM. Very similar to the first expedition I did in Noida too! And about as successful (i.e. not – neither of the cashpoints I found would take my Maestro or Mastercard). But at least I was reminded not to leave my card in the slot.

We had a large road to cross to reach one of the banks: very wide and very busy. But we made it. Although we almost considered hiring an auto-rickshaw (tuk tuk) just to take us across the road! It would have made them happy – loads of them followed us and tried to get our business, but it was quite nice just to walk outside.

The condition of the roads and pavements is really bad – mostly. There are large areas that just look as if they’ve been dug up ready for some pipe laying, which never happened. But they’re really just open sewers (I think – there wasn’t a bad smell from them). Also large areas of general decay in the road surface. What’s funny is that you’ll see some chap sitting earnestly working away at something by the side of the road – trying to fix a small detail, whilst beside him is a huge uneven hole that really needs something doing to it.
So, back at the hotel we rendezvoused with Maneer, and found the car and went on a drive.

At this point I’m concerned that my 24 hours of internet access is about to expire, so I’m going to publish. Come back later for more on our road trip!


Anonymous said...

Hello there you jet-setter. Love your updates. You are officially 'our correspondent in India' - we should get you a regular column in the company mag. I might even suggest it if I was at work but I have (thankfully) at least 45 working days until then! Tee hee.


Livia said...

Is that 45 "normal" working days or Lara working days (including Saturdays and Sundays)? Have a lovely summer. I'm predicting that the next, oh, about three weeks will be glorious sunshine in the UK, then the normal summer weather of rain and wind and hail will set in from the 24th June.