Monday, May 29, 2006

About this blog

1. This is really just my own travel diary, gone all modern and internetty and groovy. So at times I’m going to talk about random things that some people may have no idea at all what I’m on about, but I make no apologies for that. It’s My Diary.
2. I’ve read in the papers about employees being disciplined (oo er) for writing about their company on blogs. I’m not going to offer comments or opinions about the pros and cons of my company sending work offshore to India. I’m not on the redundancy hit list (yet… who knows what the future will hold), but many of my closest colleagues are, and they are working with admirable professionalism on this project and I have no intention of getting into a political / ethical / moral debate about it because I’m the lucky one (again, wood being touched at this point).
3. If you work for the company and will be travelling to India in a similar role, by all means get in touch with any extra questions or concerns you have.
4. I’m not on holiday, I’m working, honest. I won’t be able to take photos at the office unless I sneak my camera phone in, and likewise the confidentiality agreement I’ve signed cuts back what I can talk about freely. So you’ll probably mostly be reading about the off-shift stuff I’m doing. Work is work, and happens in the same format in many countries of the world.
5. Comments from family / friends / colleagues are welcome, but please bear in mind that a wide audience may read this.

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